August 31, 2021

Early Generative Art Project: 'CryptoArte' with Sebastian Brocher

Sebastian Brocher talks to Kevin about his early ethereum generative art project, CryptoArte. According to minting dates on the blockchain, this is the second generative art project known to exist on ethereum. In this episode...

Sebastian Brocher talks to Kevin about his early ethereum generative art project, CryptoArte. According to minting dates on the blockchain, this is the second generative art project known to exist on ethereum. In this episode, they discuss how CryptoArte visualizes the data stored in the blockchain to create unique NFTs.


Sebastián Brocher is a tech entrepreneur, engineer, and founder of ChimiChurri, Report Amigo, and Ethereum-based generative art project CryptoArte.



  • Is CryptoArte the oldest generative art project on the Ethereum blockchain? [00:32]
  • How did Sebastián get involved in the generative art scene? [02:20]
  • What influenced the early developmental direction of CryptoArte, and what was its purpose? [07:03]
  • What parameters dictated how the first CryptoArte pieces were generated? [09:16]
  • In the blockchain vernacular, what is a block? [10:13]
  • How did Sebastián make the leap from seeing blocks as data to visualizing them as art? [11:50]
  • How each CryptoArte piece represents a block and its precise chronology. [14:24]
  • What dictates a CryptoArte piece's background color? [17:04]
  • How do certain CryptoArte pieces represent historically significant events on the blockchain, how many are marked in this way, and what are Sebastián's favorites? [19:00]
  • How are icons connected to miners? [21:35]
  • Would cryptoarchaeologists consider CryptoArte to be the first generative art project on the blockchain? [22:51]
  • Is all CryptoArte done on chain? If not, why not? [24:29]
  • How the NFT minting process of 2018 was far more cumbersome than the options available today. [28:52]
  • How many pieces of CryptoArte exist, and why did Sebastián choose an endpoint for the project instead of just creating them in perpetuity? [32:53]
  • How many pieces of CryptoArte have been minted to date, and how has demand escalated over time? [34:11]
  • How can someone purchase a pristine piece of CryptoArte, and how much cheddar will it set an aspiring collector back? [34:40]
  • Why are the earliest pieces of CryptoArte so blue? [37:37]
  • Why securing the history of CryptoArte on Arweave may take some time. [39:12]
  • What CryptoArte attributes do collectors seem to find most attractive and valuable? [40:54]
  • What are golden miners and one-block miners in the context of CryptoArte? [42:30]
  • Parting thoughts. [45:10]
  • PROOF is a new podcast. Would you kindly consider telling your friends about us and perhaps leaving a five-star review on your favorite podcast platform? [46:00]